Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lets buy it back

We as a country find ourselves on a precipice, where the forces of unchecked corporate greed have nearly succeeded in converting our democracy, into a wholly owned subsidiary.

What we need is for those few of both conscience and wealth to take personal responsibility for correcting the woes of our society, instead of passing the buck to there politician of choice.

These individuals, as well as coalitions like move one dot org, might need to abandon the notion that we can buy back our politicians, and instead use their resources to address our collective problems directly. Instead of lobbying for health care reform, perhaps those resources should simply be channeled directly into free clinics, and health co-ops, to rival the big insurance companies, and take away there power to buy our government.

Perhaps Repower America, should use its funds, to begin installing solar panels, and helical wind turbines in the areas most hit my the recession, to remove the burden of an electric bill from the shoulders of those left without jobs.

Perhaps Tom Hanks, and Bill Maher should use there wealth and status to bring us electric cars and battery swap stations, at cost, with no profit margin.

If we are going to have any hope of a government truly for the people, then we need to stop giving money to those who aim to buy it.

here is a proposition, lets all agree to cancel our health insurance, stop buying gas, and pull all our money out of the market for one year. Let hit these guys where it hurts and see if we cant get a few lobbyists fired.